Often, we remember a good talk not so much for its precise words as the speaker’s actions. Yet, although non-verbal communication constitutes 93% of your impact, many struggle with getting it right. Remember, non-verbal communication can’t be ‘acted’. Your body language is a manifestation of your thoughts. So, think clear, think positive, think confident — and your body will reflect the same!
Making a great visual impact isn’t hard with these steps:
Identify Style: Your non-verbal messaging comes from your personality — it’s hard-wired to you. Drastic changes will make you look inauthentic. Therefore, observe yourself speaking and identify your style — do you speak too fast? Do you stroke your chin or laugh often? Recognize your speaking characteristics — and don’t worry if you don’t fit a stereotypical mould.
Lively Voice: Don’t focus on the audience response. Don’t worry, “Is this going well? Am I making an impact?” These thoughts distract you from your subject, making your speech sound lifeless and monotonous. Keep your mind committed to the larger purpose of what you’re saying, how critical it is and how useful your talk can be. These thoughts fire up your passion — and your voice reflects this.
Smile: Don’t take yourself too seriously and get wound up. Connect with your audience as people. Do flash a warm smile as you greet your audience and begin and end your presentation.
Be Handy: Utilize your hands in a presentation as you normally would — never use a pointing finger or dig your hands into your pockets.
Shining Eyes: Use your eyes to really ‘speak’ to the audience. Remember — bright, enthusiastic eyes sway audiences fastest!
Try these steps — your actions will speak louder than words.